March 16, 2022

Dear friends,

I can’t wait to make chicken and bread soup from 2013, that succulent grill-smoked orange-thyme chicken from 2017 or the molten gingerbread I created two Christmases ago. In 14 years, I have I rarely repeated dishes at my own dinner table because I felt compelled to use every meal and snack, from Christmas dinner to cook outs, to hone new recipes for this newsletter.

Now I’m loosening the reins. I will still write See Jane Cook, but on a less formal schedule and in a different forum.  Mimi Vanderhaven, who has published this newsletter [and paid me to write it] for about 14 years, is changing computer servers and will no longer be able to email my newsletter to you.

Both Mimi and I felt this was a good time to segue from newsletter to blog and allow me to handle the blog site from now on. Mimi’s staff has been posting the newsletter on the blog site almost from the beginning. Now I will write and post it myself, and you will have to go to the site to read it instead of finding it in your in box.

Save this address :

Give me a minute, though. I broke my wrist in Florida and cooking is impossible right now. Typing isn’t too easy, either. When I do resume the blog — probably in late April — I will publish when I feel like it. That may be four weeks in a row or once a month. I hope you will understand.

Before I sign off I would like to thank all of the Mimi employees who handled my copy, photos, the mailing list, signup site and the blog site. The latest is the trusty Marisa Peltz, who never let me down.

Most of all I send kisses, hugs and gratitude to Mimi President Mitch Allen, who rescued my Internet newsletter after the Beacon Journal dropped it all those years ago. Thank you, my friend.

A big thank you to my loyal readers, too. I’ll see you soon.